Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23

Wow, Wow, wow, I finished. This was a great leaning experience and I hope that I can keep up with postings. Let's set a goal of once a month.

Week 9 Thing 22

I personally do not care for audiobooks. Since I have BCPL dial-up internet access, I would not use this system at all. I do not know the popularity of e-books. Is there a poll somewhere?

Week 9 Thing 21

Wow, did I miss something, no google podcast? Anywhoo, I love podcast. I like the idea of online instruction/lessons. Depending on the quality of the podcast, instructional podcast could possible replace the need for libraries to purchase as many DVDs. Libraries could possibly highlight this service to customers for items that are not in high demand but may be available via podcast. I also find it useful for listening to missed sermons.

Week 9 Thing 20

Check out 2 of my favorite youtube videos.

Week 8 Thing 19

I navigated through Web 2.0 Awards. This site has so much information. Okay, I am advocating that we all just quit our jobs or have our job descriptions change so that we can spend our work hours navigating the world wide web.

Week 8 Thing 18

I love this concept of online productivity web-based applications. How many times have you saved something to your hard drive or flash drive and for whatever reason it is lost? Being able to access all your data from an email account is great! I can definitely see the challenge to Microsoft. Maybe Bill Gates could buyout Google.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

Navigating Sandbox was akin to playing twister with a group of deathrow immates. Not exactly what I would call a fun time.

Week 7 Thing 16

Okay, so a Wiki is an expanded version of a blog. It is unlike a blog in that it can be edited by anyone and it belongs to everyone.

Wikis can be useful to libraries because various types of information and or list can be maintained and updated on a regular bases. The information would always be current.

Week 6 Thing 15

Rick Anderson's article "Away From the Icebergs" presented a doom and gloom future for the library world unless some drastic changes were made. I think that most of us recognize the need for change but Anderson's article was more about what we are doing wrong. He offered no concrete examples of what some systems maybe be doing that is right.

We still need relevant print collections for the patrons who are not comfortable in this digital age. I have seen adults from 21 to 75 who are very much uncomfortable using computers. They are still our patrons and we still have to maintain a way to assist them.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 6 Thing 14

Moving right along with "Maryland 23 Things".

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12

Week 5 Thing 11

This was pretty easy to do.
Here's a list of books that I am currently reading.

Week 5 Thing 10

Week 4 Thing 9

I found MERLIN and subscribed. How long does it take to get approved? Has anyone taken any of the online courses?

Is anyone else feeling like this whole process is information overload? I definitely see the value in this. Yet, I am excited about and exhausted with this much knowledge.

I found these quotes to help explain my thinking process.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply!

Mark van Doren:
Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I recall that piece of knowledge and use it better.

Samuel Johnson :
Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.

Week 4 Thing 8

I subscribed to bloglines and have selected 12 feeds.

I am moving at a snail's pace here, but I am moving.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7

I love technology. I wish that I actually owned a great gadget. I would love a new digital camera but mine is only about 18 months old. Yeah, I know it's "Archaic".

I can not figure out how to use an ipod. The dial mechanism is a pain. I need buttons or a touch screen.

Week 3 Thing 6

Week 3 Thing 6
Originally uploaded by gina_michelle_is
This is my mosaic masterpiece.

Week 3 Thing 5a

Fantasy Flower
Originally uploaded by RupertG
Need I say more.

Week 3 Thing 5

Flickr is way too complicated. I'll go back to it when I have more time. I did manage to add another picture without using Flickr.

Week 2 Thing 4

I am registered and I will begin to track my progress.

Week 2 Thing 3

My blog is set up. I hope to be able to keep it going. I really like the concept of blogging. I am just hoping that I do not start to ramble on incoherently or is it incoherently ramble. It's started already.

Week 1 Thing 2

I listened to the 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial. I totally understand the concept but I have never been able to do the goal thingy. I have attended countless workshops on this subject. I have yet to establish a goal. So, I guess my goal should be to get a goal.

Week 1 Thing 1

Okay, I read the Maryland Libraries Learning 2.0 blog.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am officially a blogger now. Leave me a comment.